Monday, January 10, 2011

Freezer Meals - Cream Cheese Chicken

Today I began preparing more meals to freeze for future quick dinners.  I wanted to use what I already have on hand.  I found a whole chicken in my deep freezer in the garage.  On Saturday I put it in the crock pot fully frozen on low.  After about 3 hours I removed the giblet bag very carefully by using a kitchen towel to grab a leg and dug the bag out with a fork with my free hand.  I continued to allow the chicken to cook on low for another 3 hours or so.  We went to a movie and when we came back the entire house smelled like chicken. I switched the crock pot to warm then transferred the chicken to a round casserole dish. By that time it was falling apart, so it was able to scrunch down in the casserole dish.  I just stuck it in the refrigerator to cool until I had time to remove the meat. (I should have aired out the house or seasoned the chicken more to give it a different aroma, because it was really weird to go to sleep with that chicken smell.)

Today I started by placing the butter in the saucepan, then the Italian seasoning.  Then I began to remove the chicken meat from the bone.  As you see in the first picture, I used a "garbage bowl" so I could work quicker.  I just threw the good chicken meat into the saucepan on top of the seasoning and butter.  There seemed to be more meat than I anticipated, so I kept about 1/2 lb of dark meat to add to my chicken burritos I plan to assemble another time.  My hands got really messy, so I only took one additional photo of the food prep. This was when I had to wash my hands so I could drain the egg noodles.  The picture below only shows about 1/4 of the meat.  I just started pulling off the chicken breast at that point.

Once I pulled off all of the meat I added the cream of chicken soup and the cream cheese.  I allowed the mixture to cook on low for about an hour and mixed it very well.  The cream cheese takes a while to melt.  It seems like there is not enough sauce or it is too thick at first, but once the cream cheese melts there will be plenty of sauce.

I chose to use freezer bags for my meals so they could be transferred to a glass casserole dish for reheating.  I  first spooned some egg noodles in the bag, then spooned sauce over it.  As I learned when making Swedish Meatballs that I needed to use more sauce.  I thought I had enough sauce with the meatballs and noodles but I ended up having an abundance of noodles and not enough sauce in the bag.  Next, I laid the bags flat in the freezer, making the casserole lay down in a thin layer.  This allows the casserole to cool quickly and avoid warm spots where bacteria can grow.  Once these are frozen solid I will stack them.  I made two 4 portion meals and two 1 portion meals.  Here is the recipe for Cream Cheese Chicken.  I also cooked 1lb of egg noodles and added them to the freezer bags with the Cream Cheese Chicken sauce.

While the chicken mixture was cooking I thought ahead to dinner tonight and took 3 lbs of frozen ground beef and threw them in the crock pot on low.  I plan to make a triple batch of taco meat for future quick meals.  I always buy the taco seasoning in a large container at Costco.  Tonight we will have tacos (Monday is always taco night at my house) with 1 lb of meat and I will freeze the other 2 lbs in two separate freezer bags, just like the cream cheese chicken.

On Wednesday my daughter is going to join me in making freezer pizzas. I found a few great recipes online and cannot wait to try them.  One of the blogs claims to have the secret to solving the soggy dough dilemma that most of us encounter when making homemade pizza dough.   I am really getting tired of the "just like delivery" frozen pizzas we have been eating (see the box in my freezer?).  I'm ready for some great tasting, low cost pizza for our Friday night "pizza night".  I think we'll also make some bread sticks to go with our freezer casseroles.  Stay tuned for pics from our Wednesday pizza making session!


  1. My mother taught me at a very young age the tips and tricks to batch cooking, using crock pots and freezing. I never really used that until I moved in with my finance. My ex husband and I ate at different times because he worked nights and it was just the two of us. Here, we have his daughter with us on the weekend, so during the week I try to make a little extra of something that I can use over the weekend. Weekends are spent trying to spend as much time as we can with her, so we try to pre plan meals. She does like to help me cook and bake, being 3 weeks away from being 6, she is quite the "big girl".

  2. Whenever I make meatloaf, I make enough for two meals. The kids and husband love it, as do I. I just pop it in the microwave because it's already cooked and voila!

    We also do huge batches of spaghetti sauce, usually enough for 10 meals. It works out great.

    I think when I go shopping next week that I will pick up enough meat to make extra taco meat. That will come in extremely handy.

  3. I love the crock pot. It is such a great way to make tasty, healthy meals. Mom makes great Pizza dough and we have Pizza making days were everyone takes home their favorite Pizzas. It would be interesting to learn to freeze them.

  4. I have yet to learn this art. I just make a big batch and we eat leftovers, like I guess most people. Cooking in huge batches seems like a lot of work, but I know it really saves time, too. :)

  5. Thanks for the comments. Today we ended up making 5 pizzas instead of 10. We got started late. I revised the dough and sauce recipes. Glad I did a "trial run" last night. Will post tonight or tomorrow morning, but not now 'cause I'm beat!

  6. One thing I'd love to do is start doing the month at a time meals thing. I have a nice chest freezer that would be perfect for holding meals like that. I'm trying to lose weight, and I think pre-prepping meals would be fantastic for me. It would be a lot cheaper than the meal delivery plans, but it would achieve the same affect. Just grab a pre-portioned meal, and eat!

  7. SECOND blog post I have read today about chicken! This is the time of night I do my best to avoid snacking but you are all tempting me!! Looks good! I need a deep freezer so I can start bulk prepping meals!

  8. Got your comment and came over and am following you back thru GFC here on this blog. There were two of them so I will check the other one also.


  9. Sorry, I did not see the other comment until after I left. I just started sending out emails to companies asking them if I could review their products. Alot will not answer but I was surprised at how many returned my email. I even had alot say they weren't ready for a campaign yet but the closer to Christmas they would be asking bloggers to do reviews. Also if you go to my blog down near the bottom of the blog on the right hand column there is a box that is full of buttons. One says B2B, Product Reviews, She Blogs, Blogspark, Mom Central, etc. I registered with all of them and they send out emails whenever they have a company(s) that want reviews. I have gotten some of my products from them. I still have several coming from some of them that I haven't done yet. I will be finishing up one this week for B2B with the Heelys Shoe company. But mostly I get my products from just scouring the internet for companies. Also because I enter alot of contests and sign up for the companie's email newsletter. I wait a little bit then when I get a newsletter I will answer back asking if I can review a product. So, I have gotten some from doing that also. It takes time. I just started doing them about 2 1/2 months ago. It is a little scary to begin with but once you do them and you see that they like it then you sorta know what they want and then its not so bad. I have even asked companies when I win a really good product would they mind if I did a review just so I can have the practice. They appreciate you doing a review on something that you won versus you asking for it outright. I tried alot of different tactics and some worked and some didn't. Now, I am getting as many products to review as I do from winning so it is really great!

